Experimental Ink: Nineteenth-Century French Prints from the Hockerman Collection

November 22, 2019–March 29, 2020
European Art Galleries, Level 2, Gallery S202
Free for Members
Included with admission
Artists in France during the nineteenth century increasingly turned to printmaking as a form of original expression. They were inspired to explore the artistic possibilities of new mass-printing processes, such as lithography and wood engraving, and they sought to reinvigorate the etching process by developing innovative techniques. Prints by artists such as Félix-Hilaire Buhot, Eugène Delacroix, and Félix Vallotton demonstrate the extensive experimentation that was central to printmaking during this era.
The twenty-five prints in Experimental Ink are drawn from a group of works that local collector Ethel K. Hockerman and her charitable trust donated to the Museum over thirty years. The Hockerman Collection is a testament to the appeal that these experimental prints still have today.
The Milwaukee Art Museum extends its sincere thanks to the Visionaries.
Donna and Donald Baumgartner
John and Murph Burke
Sheldon and Marianne Lubar
Joel and Caran Quadracci
Sue and Bud Selig
Jeff and Gail Yabuki and the Yabuki Family Foundation