Museum Policies

The Milwaukee Art Museum is committed to providing memorable experiences to every visitor (both on-site and online) and to safeguarding and preserving the art it presents. The policies outlined here, including on photography and the use of drones below, are in place to ensure that the Museum can deliver on its commitments to the art and the community; please read these carefully.
Visiting the Museum
When visiting the Museum, please respect a few simple rules:
- Please keep an arm’s length away from the artwork and refrain from touching: The oil from your hands is damaging.
- No food, beverages, or gum are permitted in the galleries. Water bottles must be stored in lockers in the East End or on the Café Level.
- No backpacks, large bags, or umbrellas are permitted in galleries. Please store them in in lockers in the East End or on the Café Level.
- Wagons must be stored in the coatroom on the Café Level. Strollers are welcome in the galleries.
- No pens or markers: Sketching in the galleries is welcome, but with pencil only.
- Please silence your cell phones.
- Please be watchful of small children. If visiting with a child, read some of our family-friendly tips on preparing for a trip to the Museum.
- Please be kind to Museum staff and each other. Respect the directions of the staff, as well as any gallery closures.
- If, after making your reservation and prior to your Museum visit, you become ill or learn that you have been exposed, please contact us at 414-224-3200 or to reschedule your visit or arrange a refund.
Drone policy
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators must comply with the regulations issued by the FAA, and these rules:
- Drones may not be flown within 100 feet of Milwaukee Art Museum buildings, including the Santiago Calatrava–designed Quadracci Pavilion.
- Drones may not be flown within 25 feet of people.
- Drones must be flown in a safe manner.
- Drone flights are not permitted inside any Museum buildings or parking garages.
- Drone flights in the park at Museum Center Park are restricted to park hours: 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
- Drone flights that hover directly over an outdoor ceremony or group of people, without their consent, are not permitted anywhere on Museum property.
- Commercial use of drones on Museum property, without Museum consent, is prohibited.
Building lighting requests
The lighting of the Museum, on occasion, will feature a color to promote the visibility of an issue, organization, or event.
The Museum considers changing the lighting in only a few instances:
- For events taking place at the Museum
- For requests that have broad local participation with a clear, easily accessible explanation for our visitors
- When there is a direct, important tie to our significant and long-term community partnerships
Entering into a relationship with the Museum—as a partner or sponsor, or for an event or space rental—does not guarantee a lighting request. Submit your request at least three weeks in advance of the intended lighting date(s) to
Please note:
- We do not approve or deny requests based on the merit of the cause or the organization.
- We cannot guarantee the exact color requested.
- We will not color the water in the fountains in order to protect the water circulation systems and the environment.
Model usage rights
The Milwaukee Art Museum has made every effort to obtain permission to use images of event participants. Participation in any of the Milwaukee Art Museum’s programs constitutes an agreement by the participant and/or the parent or guardian to authorize the Museum to photograph or film participants and/or their artwork from time to time, without compensation, for possible use in publicity, website, and marketing efforts.
Visiting the Museum website
Read what terms and conditions you accept when visiting the Museum online in addition the Museum’s rights and reproduction policy and privacy policy.
Ticket donation requests
The Museum limits donations of admission tickets to fellow arts and cultural organizations. Qualifying organizations should submit requests to