The Collaboratory

Through March 2017
Richard and Suzanne Pieper Gallery

“Collaboration” and “laboratory” converge in The Collaboratory, an interactive space that explores connections between objects from past centuries and the contemporary world. Central to the experience is the “collector's cabinet,” a densely installed space featuring everything from armor to astrolabes. Adjacent to the collections are drawers that open to reveal layers of interpretive multimedia—video, music, art—produced by teens working with local artist-educator Ray Chi. The Teen Lab, where such projects take shape through the Museum’s Teen Leadership Program, is open to the public to comment on the collaborations in process. The lab sits just beyond Beth Lipman’s all-glass Laid Table (Still Life with Metal Pitcher) and a room-sized camera obscura, where visitors can step into visual technology from another time.

  • Beth Lipman, Laid Table (Still Life with Metal Pitcher), 2007. Blown, sculpted, lamp-worked, and kiln-formed glass on wood table. 85 × 103 × 96 in. (215.9 × 261.62 × 243.84 cm). Purchase, Jill and Jack Pelisek Endowment, Jack Pelisek Funds, and various donors by exchange M2009.48. Photo credit by John R. Glembin © Beth Lipman