Erin Shirreff


Erin Shirreff (Canadian, b. 1975), Surface capital (detail), 2022.

Dye sublimation prints on aluminum, latex paint. 71¼ × 60¼ × 5¾ in. (180.97 × 153.03 × 14.6 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York. Photo by Jason Wyche


  • May 30–August 31, 2025

  • Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts

  • Free for Members

  • Included with admission

Erin Shirreff works across, around, and against traditional medium divisions. Her photographs, sculptures, and videos yield perceptual challenges that reward close, in-person looking. This exhibition focuses on her material investigations of the last decade, which explore the inherent gaps and overlaps found between two- and three-dimensional representation. Like a game of telephone, Shirreff’s shifts of form reveal the creative possibilities of mistranslation.

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Exhibitions in the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts are sponsored by

  • Herzfeld Foundation

The Milwaukee Art Museum extends its sincere thanks to the Visionaries.

  • Mark and Debbie Attanasio

  • Donna and Donald Baumgartner

  • Murph Burke

  • Joel and Caran Quadracci

  • Sue and Bud Selig

  • Jeff and Gail Yabuki and the Yabuki Family Foundation