This is an archive of the exhibition page for Van Gogh to Pollock: Modern Rebels, which was on view in 2015.

RothkoWarholDegasGauguinLichtensteinKahloPicassoVan GoghMatisseDaliMiróO’KeeffePollock was a rebel

Vincent van Gogh to Jackson Pollock, Camille Pissarro to Andy Warhol, the 68 artists represented in this exhibition created against the tide to invent new kinds of art. They challenged convention and pushed the limits of what art was; they were rebels. Today, most everyone knows their names—they are the “superstars” of modern art. Van Gogh to Pollock: Modern Rebels features over seventy works from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, renowned for its exceptional collection of twentieth-century art.

This survey offers one of the most cohesive and beautiful representations of modern art, a movement of constant rebellion against the past and invention of the new.