Emerald Mountains: Modern Chinese Ink Paintings from the Chu-tsing Li Collection

June 11–August 28, 2011
Koss Gallery

As an art historian well-trained in Eastern and Western art, Milwaukee resident Chu-tsing Li is a specialist in Chinese painting, and an acclaimed author. Li has painstakingly assembled a comprehensive collection of modern Chinese ink painting. Emerald Mountains: Modern Chinese Ink Paintings from the Chu-tsing Li Collection will explore the development of Chinese ink painting during the second half of the 20th century. Drawn from his collection of modern Chinese paintings—the finest and most comprehensive of its kind in the West—these extraordinary paintings demonstrate the reinvigoration of classical techniques and materials by artists throughout Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and abroad working with distinctly contemporary perspectives.

  • Yu Chengyao, Breeze at Yellowstone, 1988. Ink and color on paper. Chu-tsing Li and Family Collection. Photo by Ken Howie.