Members always see it first.Member Preview CelebrationThursday, October 4, 5–8 p.m. | Lecture, 6:15 p.m. Come and celebrate the opening of Martín Ramírez. Special guest speaker Brooke Davis Anderson, exhibition curator and director of the American Folk Art Museum’s Contemporary Center, will provide an insightful lecture on the exhibition. Doors to Lubar open at 5:30 p.m.; seating is first come, first served. Light appetizers, family activities and a child-friendly menu, and a cash bar round out the evening. Music provided by the United Community Center Youth Mariachis and Trio Alma Latina, led by J. Alberto Cardenas. $20/Free for Members. Member-Only Preview Days Thursday, October 4, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Friday, October 5, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Be among the first to see the exhibition before it opens to the public. Free for Members. Member-Only Exhibition Talk Friday, October 5, 1:30 p.m. Lubar Auditorium Join exhibition curator Brooke Davis Anderson for insider insight and background on Martín Ramírez. Free for Members. |
CONVERSACIONES EN LAS GALERÍASGalerías Baker/Rowland | Gratis con la admisión a la exposiciónConversación en las Galerías con Joe Ketner Conversación en las Galerías con Margaret Andera Conversaciones “Express”: Martín Ramírez CONFERENCIASAuditorio Lubar | Gratis con la admisión general la MuseoMartín Ramírez: su vida y su época Herencia Latina en Milwaukee Simposio: el mundo interior de Martín Ramírez Conversación sobre Martín Ramírez EVENTOSTour caminata en Walker´s Point Domingos dedicados a la Familia: Día de los Muertos MAM Film: dibujo en el cine Martín Ramírez en contexto La Caja Ramírez Arte después de las 5 Ceremonia de clausura de Martín Ramírez |
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